Have you ever stumbled across a verse that God used so powerfully in your life it's etched in your very DNA? I have. It happened just tonight. I was writing down a verse I wanted to remember and on the cover of my little index card holder (which is where I put my verses) I saw Joshua 1:9. Man, that jumped right off the cover at me and memories of a significant life event came flooding back. I could remember everything, right down to my emotions, even the smell in the air.
Joshua 1:9 (ESV) - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
God was walking me into a battle and I knew it. I was terrified. He'd been preparing me for months, slowly making me stronger and ready to stand. But still... I had never had lasting victory in that place before. I had always acquiesced again to being controlled. God was so clear that I was to stand my ground; He was with me. Even with my very insides quaking I walked forward in trust. As I stepped forward my throat was dry, my palms were sweaty, and I felt queasy. I was in constant prayer, wrestling myself out of fear and holding onto to truth. The time came. I took a deep breath and steeled myself for whatever was to come...
And I never even opened my mouth. I didn't speak a word. God's favor was upon me and the battle was won by the Lord in instantaneous fashion. In five minutes it was over and I was still standing.
That day was a rock of remembrance for me. A time point etched in my mind's eye that screams out of God's faithfulness. Joshua 1:9 is part of me and every time I see that scripture I'm reminded of God's goodness and faithfulness.
And that's not my only rock. No. I have so many. Rock after rock, time after time, where God has proven who He is in what seemed like impossible circumstances. And in these moments of remembrance, when things are showered with light and pain and suffering aren't constant companions, I can fall to my knees and thank Him. And in these moments of remembrance, when darkness crushes in and there is no light to find, I can fall to my knees and thank Him.
He is good. In times of joy. In times of sorrow. He is good. Always good. Always showing up. Always, ALWAYS faithful.
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