"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Mark 13:32 (NKJV)
When Jesus made this statement, which is also repeated in Matthew's gospel, He was telling His disciples what to watch for in the end times. Without getting too deep into eschatology, I think this is a sober warning for all believers whether we believe this is the end times or not.
There has been doctrinal discussion and debates since the beginning of the church (see Acts 15 where Paul takes up the discussion of circumcision for salvation with the crew in Jerusalem). Sometimes the debate and discussion are good and help us all to think more clearly.
Where things go awry is when heresy is introduced. Outright heresy is easy to spot, but often that's not how it gets in. The person espousing the heresy coats it in things that are truth and uses words that our flesh likes to hear. The information makes us think, and it sounds good, and there is truth... The heresy becomes difficult to spot.
I am all for reading many ideas from many people, taking in the good and discarding the bad, but if Mark 13:32 is correct, then I need to be incredibly careful. If the attempt is to deceive even the elect it means that whatever is being taught has to be palatable to believers. It means I'm vulnerable. If Jeremiah 17:9 says my heart is desperately wicked and I don't even know how wicked, then this warning is one I should heed all the more.
Heresy is, plain and simple, poison. It draws you away from Jesus. When you coat heresy in truth and words that are palatable and soothing it is akin to wrapping that poison in sugar. The outside is fine, just sugar after all... but the inside? Well, it's deadly.
Our enemy is like a roaring lion and he will take out whomever he can, whenever he can. We are called to be vigilant (1 Peter 5:8). In this day and age where information flows more freely than water, and eloquent ideas are given that seem so good and pleasing, we better be watching - we better be vigilant. We better be relying on the Holy Spirit for discernment. If we aren't, we are opening ourselves up to be deceived... even if we are the elect.
There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. (Proverbs 14:12, NKJV)
Be careful little eyes what you see... be careful little ears what you hear... be careful little heart what you believe...
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